Insurance Accounting
Management Services Corporation

Providing Personalized Professional Business Services for Medical Providers

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Emergency Medical Services

We are providing medical billing for several services. We began to work within the ambulance industry in 1999. Our first service came as a referral from a collection agency whom they had hired to work some very old accounts. They were on the verge of closing due to what they perceived was a collection problem. It was a billing problem.
Click for reference.


When we started providing billing services for our first orthopedic client, their collection rate was 48%. At the end of our first year their collection rate was 75% and they were purchasing a second office in another community. At the end of two years, the collection rate was 95%, and they were hiring a fourth surgeon. At the end of 3 years, the collection rate was 96%, they were breaking ground on a surgical suite, and looking for a fifth surgeon.

To achieve these results required us to reassign office duties, revamp office procedures, and change the way the physicians documented their services. A few of the office staff members chose to leave rather than change, yet the progress continued and “might have even been helped by such in some cases...?”
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General Practice

Once upon a time, an elderly physician was at his wit’s end. He had left a peaceful semi-retirement to take over a practice in a very small rural community after his friend had died suddenly and the office was in shambles. Patient accounts were maintained on 4x6 cards, claims were completed by hand, patient charts were nothing more than 4x6 cards taped together, appointments were never made, samples were separated by type (i.e. analgesics, cardiovascular agents, hypertensives, etc.) and thrown into garbage bags in the back closet, and DME supplies were crammed tightly in a hall closet which Fibber McGee would probably not even dare to open!

Initially, the physician only contracted us for our medical billing services. However, within six weeks he requested further assistance, and we ended up temporarily managing his office, composing a manual of standard operating procedures for employees, instituting disciplinary actions, hiring, firing, handling personnel issues, purchasing, transcribing, as well as, doing accounts payable and accounts receivable.

In six months, the office had undergone an unrecognizable change. Color coded patient charts were established, regular appointments introduced, and after massive cleaning and painting projects...order imposed.

In one year, the physician went from having no idea what the accounts receivable was to a collection rate of 97%. He then sold the practice some years later for top dollar!

An extreme situation, nevertheless, the scene shows the lengths to which we will go when asked to do so to help your business succeed.
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