Insurance Accounting
Management Services Corporation

Providing Personalized Professional Business Services for Medical Providers


To Whom It May Concern:

In February 2003 the Board of Directors...ended a long-term relationship with our previous billing and collection contractor. We had become dissatisfied with the lengthy billing cycle and recovery results on our accounts. Our operating funds were dangerously depleted, but we knew we were maintaining call volume.

Insurance Accounting Management Services Corporation first came to us in January of 2001 by referral from another EMS unit...which was reporting impressive collection rates and a consistently shorter billing cycle. [We were] reluctant to change billing partners due to our long history in place, our concern that perhaps our patient base was somehow different...and questions about whether [I.A.M.S.C.] could actually improve on the results we had grown accustomed to. So we waited.

I'm reluctant to admit that we waited until the operational viability of our squad was in jeopardy.

Our Board realized in January 2003 that we had absolutely nothing to lose, so we engaged I.A.M.S.C. We all wish we had made the decision to change when we first met [I.A.M.S.C.], because the results were evident from the first full billing cycle. The improvements we desperately needed in collection rates, billing cycle length and reporting systems did occur thanks to the hard work, dedication and tenacity of [I.A.M.S.C.]. In January 2003 we wondered if we could meet payroll; less than one year later, we were discussing the purchase of a new ambulance and other capital improvements. Why? Because our revenues had improved by over 20% during that time!

[I.A.M.S.C.] is professional, capable and dedicated. I have always found that [I.A.M.S.C.] delivers what [is] promised. [They] proactively seek opportunities to improve...for the direct benefit of our Squad. I know that I.A.M.S.C. has several clients, but all accounts and concerns are always given individual and specific attention. [Our service] is grateful for the association we have with [I.A.M.S.C.] and we look forward to a continued and prosperous future.

Chairman of the Board

To Whom It May Concern:

“The Billing Office” which is operated by IAMSC is a great and wonderful resource and daily assistance to our practice.

The professional staff work very efficiently and thoroughly to meet the billing needs of our medical staff. They are also a great help with client support by answering questions for our patient’s and their families which helps us stay focused on the medical care of our patients. Information from Medicare is obtained and their staff takes great care to ensure we are educated on all requirements and changes necessary to ensure compliance.

The staff are always prompt to respond to our needs. If they don’t know the information asked, they get back to us as quickly as possible. They assist with multiple internal forms and are always willing to help with challenging office needs.

We would recommend the services of IAMSC to anyone looking for a full-service and efficient medical billing service.


To Whom It May Concern:

I have worked with IAMSC for almost 20 years. Over that time, they have consistently demonstrated their unparalleled knowledge of Evaluation and Management documentation/billing requirements and best business practices. With a collection rate hovering at 95%, the proof is in the bank!

Initially, when I started my practice, I enrolled with another billing service. It very quickly became apparent that this was a mistake. (In fact, they are no longer in business.) I terminated the contract and signed up with of the best decisions I ever made.

If you are interested in peace of mind and a billing service who “does it right the first time”, these are the people for you.


To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is in reference to IAMSC who is the Billing/Management service that is utilized by our practice.

To clarify what our practice is comprised of, we are a group of geriatricians with five doctors and four nurse practitioners who cover two skilled nursing facilities, six assisted living facilities, as well as, several detox and drug rehabilitation units. Keeping track of all the charges emanating from these facilities is truly a monumental task that they handle efficiently.

In addition to day-to-day processing of charges, she is able to maintain a finger on the pulse of all the various changes being thrown at us from the regulatory agencies in the form of bulletins and announcements that we would not have the time or inclination to read.

I feel that this group does a good job in protecting us from the regulatory scrutiny, as well as, an excellent job of the generalized running of the practice and would recommend IAMSC highly to any provider in need of their services.


To Whom It May Concern,

I have worked with I.A.M.S.C. for 17 years and have found them to be the most efficient, and hardworking billing agency with whom I have been associated. Our work is processed quickly and we are kept alert to changes in coding and Medicare regulations in a timely manner. They maintain a professional attitude in dealing with our patients and the other professionals in need of appropriate information.

Everyone at I.A.M.S.C. takes a personal interest in obtaining correct information, and accuracy in their work is a high priority. They are always pleasant on the phone, even when they are busy with other requests.

I greatly appreciate their consistency and help with keeping our practice in the best possible condition.

Respectfully submitted,



To Whom It May Concern:

I have been in practice for over 30 years and during that time I have seen it all.  Good, bad, and ugly.  However, during the last couple of years working with these folks, I have seen “Excellence”.

I was truly in a fix, but they exceeded every expectation, kept their word, and kept on going even when the going got tough.  My only regrets are that I did not start using their services sooner and heed their advice more often.  There is not one aspect of my practice that I would hesitate in turning over to their meticulous care.  They are 100% trustworthy and honest to a fault.  And, they deliver.

I cannot thank them enough for their assistance in turning my practice around and can highly recommend these folks to anyone unqualifiedly.



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